Saturday, June 26, 2010

What's the world coming to...

I just had two experiences that intersected to create an eliquent double take and a very profound 'Huh?!'
First we went to the library to pick up some books. I wanted something YA to improve my knoledge of the genre. So I looked, gagged, and looked somemore. I think for every "That might be ok" book there were atleast two "You've got to be kidding me, THIS got published?!?!" smutty books. I'm talking badly written and bad premise. You could just feel the Yuck coming off the shelves.
Second, I came home and read an article that said basicly, 'With the onslot of self published book the average Joe might not be ready for the slush pile.'
My 'Huh?'... you ready?
If the stuff that makes it through the publishing desks are that bad, either they are VERY right! And I don't want anything to do with the slush pile!
Bring on the slush, I must think COMPLETLY differnt than an editor.

So here's the question of the day.
Have you read YA lately?
If so, would you call it quality stuff?
If you have some favorites, PLEASE share!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

New helpful site.
I'm already finding this site hugely helpful and I'm only signed up for the free version.
Now I'm back to my real problem. I can't tell you how many times I've read. "If you can't give (insert critical information here) at the drop of a hat, in clear consise terms, there's probably something wrong with your story."
Yes, I'll tell you what's wrong witth my story. It was writen by a novice who didn't know she was supposed to be able to write a query letter. A novice who also knows nothing of "the business" and what would makes one versus the other.
So here I am having trouble querying because...
I don't know what nitch my work would fall under(no I didn't have one in mind when I started)
I can write five million synopsises but I don't know what to focus on to make it exciting and interesting.
So there we go. Any advice?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


My blog is now pretty. :)
I've almost got all the background figured out.
Oh, by the way, I've started a whole new project while I'm waiting to hear back in my first project.
So far my main draw back witth this story has been background. Every little comment counts so I really need to know what happened, not only in her past but the world. (It's set in 2195 AD or 101 YC)
So excited about this story.