Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Find where you fit...

Have you ever wondered in a moment of frustration, "Where the heck DO I fit in the publishing world?"
There's a funny little quiz thing online that you can answer and it will tell you what your genre is. I don't think it's very accurate.
Here's the thing, I've been trying to figure this out for months. I'm not horror, not fantasy, not YA, not adult, not... anything?
That should have been my clue. I wasn't narrowed down enough in my scope. But mainly I needed to find books like mine. I need to read books like mine. But I kept picking up books that just made me cring! Wrong genre, wrong audience. Then someone told me where to look. THANK YOU!
The funny thing is, I thought no one was publishing what I wrote... come to find out Vampires are still hot. Weird.
So where do you fit? And how did you figure it out? Did you start with it in mind or did you have to go searching?

1 comment:

  1. Figured out what I like to read. I've always loved fantasy - I can get more out of it than all the "classics". Why write something you don't even want to read from someone else? Blech.

    You might like this post:

    Here's the thing - she says, "What did you like as a kid vs. as an adult now?" I thought about it, and mine hasn't changed at all! I still LOVE fantasy & historical fiction. BOTH put me in another place that I can learn from. To see me combine them is hilarious, yet, so perfect!! =D
