Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Value of a Good Critique

Nothing is ever less useful (or less honest) than a "I loved it" critique. It never makes me feel good, it makes me feel like they aren't taking it seriously.
Nothing hurts more (ok well maybe there are somethings more painful... like getting your head cut open) than a brutal critique that sees no promise, no value, and only points out how much your work sucks.
Oh but the beauty of the sandwich concept. Something positive, something useful, something positive. I love these critiques!
Something I have just experienced that I love even more. A critique that values what you've done, but sees how you can go higher and shows you a glimpse. A critique that instead of leaving you cradling your manuscript and wailing it's loss, makes you see it for the stepping stone it was and you leave it sitting because your creative juices are flowing and nothing died. Suddenly you see the critique as a chrysalis and not a grave.
Thank you to my favorite colleague for her insight. I hope to prove worthy of her faith.

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